Message Outline
Mission Ready
January 26, 2025 • By Mark Bustrum
Pay Attention to the Message
2 Tim 4:7 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (ESV)
Week 1: Pay Attention to Yourself
Week 2: Pay Attention to those who Hear
Week 3: Pay Attention to the Times
Final week: Pay Attention to the Message
The Charge (v.1-2)
Preach means to __________ aloud; to herald
Relevant, in the right meaning is making biblical ________ clear and understandable in our culture, time and space.
We want to be ____________ with the gospel message and also culturally ___________ with how we present it.
The Warning (v.3-4)
Itching ears: they don’t listen __________ and then decide; they decide what they want to hear and then find people to tell them those things!
The Reminder (v.5)
Sober-minded means: clear headed, _________ and focused
The Testimony (v.6-8)
The best thing we can say about the apostle Paul is that he _________________ well.
Going wide with God’s message:
Methods are great, but only if they ___________ out of God’s Word.
Long-term exposure to God’s Word in the _____________ of a credible witness
Next Steps
1. Exercise your faithfulness
—who will you share with this week?
—leave the results to God!
2. What does finishing strong look like for you?
—what do you need to do TODAY so that you finish strong when God calls you home?
3. Be ready in and out of season
—How can you build consistency so that you can proclaim God’s message when everything is going well AND when the circumstances aren’t favorable?
My next step today is to…
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